
Showing posts from November, 2013


ROOSTER MARK 14:72 A second time the rooster crowed. Then Peter  called to mind the word that Jesus  had said to him, “Before the rooster crows twice, you will  deny Me three times.  And when he thought  about it, he wept. MATTHEW   26:34   Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you that this night, before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times.”    HISTORICAL CONTEXT There is not a lot of information that shows  how the rooster was used the  Bible days.It is associated with resurrection because of  Peter's denial of Jesus.  Archaeologist found art with drawings of the rooster in Marissa in Israel. MARISSA ART WITH ROOSTER CAMEL The is mentioned throughout the Bible.  The books that talk about the camel are: Genesis, Exodus, Judges, 1 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles,2 Chronicles, Ezra, Esther, Nehemiah, Job, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel  Study of these Bible books indicate that the camel was used for many things. The milk w


There are descriptions of the clothing worn by men and women in the Bible.  Here are Assyrian and Egyptian drawings that depict clothing worn by some Israelites.  ASSYRIAN DRAWING OF ISRAELITE KNEELING Several books in the Bible give some  references to clothing. The Bible book  of Exodus12;34 shows, " being bound  up in their clothes upon their shoulders". The king rent his clothes and wore a sack cloth according to 2 Kings 6:30.   Simon Peter wore a fisher's coat in the book of  John 21:7. There is a description of the Son of Man "wearing a garment to the  foot  with a golden girdle" in Revelation  1:13. Clothing made of linen, wool,  and animal skins are also  discussed in the  Bible. There is mention of people wearing wraps, shawls, girdles and sandals. EXAMPLE OF FABRIC     SANDALS WORN IN BIBLE TIMES       The Bible scriptures show that there  were Jewish customs re


I wanted to take a moment to say,  "Thanks to all of the American Veterans". Sometimes we Americans are guilty of taking your sacrifice for granted.  In the beginning you were drafted but now going into the military is voluntary.  The military experience  whether voluntary not, is still honorable in my book.  Bless you all.  I hope you enjoy all of the festivities that take place today.


  I loved hearing the Christmas story about Baby Jesus. The Bible book of Luke 2 tells how Mary laid him in a manger. I  think about how amazing it was for such a powerful person to have such a humble beginning. He could have been born in a temple, yet Baby Jesus was lying a manger. The mangers were used for feeding cattle in Bible days.   A MANGER  Archaeologist have  discovered  dwellings in towns mentioned in the Bible. Italian diggers they were excavating  in Capernaum, on the Sea of Galilee. They found a humble dwelling. This house was made of rough walls and a roof made earth and straw.  The house had a few rooms and a courtyard. The Bible book, Matthew 8 said that Jesus lived in Capernaum. They wondered if Jesus could have  lived in that area.   DWELLING AT CAPERNAUM    EXCAVATED FLOOR PLAN OF A DWELLING AND COURTYARD   FLOOR PLAN FOR LARGE COMMUNITY DWELLINGS IN QUMRAN Several caves have been found in Qumran. Scroll fragments linen


I had heard Bible stories in Sunday School when I was a child. I  went to churches when I an adult and listened to many sermons about Noah's Ark, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Egyptian pharaohs, the Prophet Isaiah, and many other notorious people in the Bible. I recall hearing lessons about Bible lands like, Mt Sinai, Moab, Palestine, Jerusalem, Jericho, River Jordan, Dead Sea. and many other locations.  I' ll admit that these people and these places were not real to me because I wasn't a serious Bible reader and had never visited the Holy Land. I had two experiences that changed my life.  I went with my mom on a church trip to Holy Land USA in Bedford Virginia.      I was impressed with this place.  The mountain air and the replica of  the Holy land in Israel was nice.  I went into an area that was called  Lazarus' tomb.  I suddenly felt like I was the only person in this tomb.  It was dark and quiet, but I didn't feel afraid. I can't say how long I was in