Then said he unto him, Because thou hast not obeyed

 the voice of the LORD, behold, as soon as thou art 

departed from me, a lion shall slay thee. And as soon

 as he was departed from him, a lion found him, and 

slew him." 

1 Kings 20:36 

9   "By the blast of God they perish, and by the

 breath of his nostrils are they consumed." 

10   "The roaring of the lion, and the voice 

of the fierce lion, and the teeth of the young

 lions, are broken." 

Job 4:9, 10 

"For thus hath the LORD spoken unto me, Like 

as the lion and the young lion roaring on his prey, 

when a multitude of shepherds is called forth 

against him, he will not be afraid of their voice, 

nor abase himself for the noise of them: so shall 

the LORD of hosts come down to fight for mount

 Zion, and for the hill thereof." 

Isaiah 31:4 

"They shall walk after the LORD: he shall roar 

like a lion: when he shall roar, then the children

shall tremble from the west."

 Hosea 11:10 

4   "Yet I am the LORD thy God from the land 

of Egypt, and thou shalt know no god but me: 

for there is no Saviour beside me." 

7   "Therefore I will be unto them as a lion:

 as a leopard by the way will I observe them:" 

Hosea 13:4, 7 

7  "Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but 

he revealeth his secret unto his servants the


8   "The lion hath roared, who will not fear?

the Lord GOD hath spoken, who can but prophesy?"  

Amos 3:7,8


 Lion Of Judah (


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